Recursive Organizing
Easy File Organizer - Recursive Organizing
Recursive organizing allows to organize files in folders and its subfolders.
To organize files recursively press recursive under the circle graph:
The folder will be rescanned recursively. Then press Organize
To discard recursive organizing, press recursive under the circle graph again to deactivate it.
If you use older versions of the program, to organize files recursively press white gear icon on the top-right corner to open Settings.
Then near the folders you wish to organize recursively press down arrow symbol ↓ to make it active and press OK
Now you are able to organize selected folders recursively:
To discard recursive organizing, press down arrow symbol ↓ to deactivate it and press OK.
Blue color of down arrow symbol ↓ in Settings indicates that recursive organizing is active. Gray color indicates that recursive organizing is deactivated.